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Better Betting
How to deal with a big loss

How to deal with a big loss

What to do when you have a big loss playing online bingo

In our dreams we all think about winning big when playing online bingo. That moment of glory when we daub off the final number to complete the full house—accompanied by an explosion of neon lights and glorious sounds—and take down the jackpot prize can be a real life-changing moment.

Okay, so the jackpots in online bingo aren’t always the grandest, but it could certainly pay for a relaxing holiday, a new car or a renovation on your home, and so in that sense it can be classed as life changing.

Unfortunately, the world of online bingo isn’t all rainbows and unicorns (and other such imagery). There will be times when you go empty-handed from your games, and you may—either from a single game or in an accumulative sense—suffer a big loss as a result.

This will test you. It will test your resolve, and it will test your ability to keep your cool and not go ‘full tilt’ to borrow a poker expression. This basically means playing while in an emotion-led state, which impairs decision-making and can lead to further losses down the line. It really is a vicious circle.

So if this article achieves anything it could be that you bookmark it, and next time you suffer a bad loss you can click on it, refresh yourself on the key points and hopefully that will enable you to ‘cool down’ and not get sucked into the fatal trap of chasing big losses.

Here’s some other ideas that may help with that:

1. Set a budget…and stick with it

Whether you like to play online bingo a couple of times a day or once a week, making a budget and sticking to it is an excellent way of avoiding the big loss blues.

Allow yourself to spend a certain amount on tickets in a given timeframe; if you lose each time, then at least you have made an ‘acceptable’ loss, rather than losing control of your purse strings. Any winnings can be withdrawn or left in your account to satisfy your budget next time you play.

By setting a budget and sticking with it, you can ensure your bingo play remains fun and with strict limits.

5. Let go and move on

This is perhaps the hardest part of suffering a big loss; just accepting your fate and moving on.

What has happened has happened. There is nothing to do to change it and the money isn’t coming back, so accept it and learn from your mistakes. Winning is fun, money is cool….but losing lots of it is arguably worse than the buzz of the win.

Wow, we got pretty deep there. But seriously, if you do lose at bingo – whether it’s a large amount of money or a matter of pence – remember why you play the game: because you enjoy it. When the fun stops that’s the time to take a break for a while.
